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A Gift for the Greatest Gift ever Given

Writer's picture: GOD SPOTGOD SPOT

It is going to be a post reflecting on the gift of life we keep receiving again and again.

We all talk about the love of God, how his love shown to us, his mercy and sacrifice is beyond measure. Yes, we find ourselves stunned by this loving act shown by him to us. His act of love started at the moment he came to be born in a humble small barn to keep that promise that he in genesis that he will save us all. Even after that great sacrifice he made on the cross his goodness and mercy still keeps following us all the days of our lives.

In this Christmas season every time we look back on our lives, we have millions of reasons to be thankful for, every moment is a gift full of reasons to be grateful for. Those times it felt like walking through a never-ending darkness he was the light at the end of the tunnel, his light has been guiding us to where we should go. Even in those times we thought there was no reason to stay alive, when living felt like suffocating with every breath we took he was still standing next to us whispering words of hope that became our strength to keep moving forward. You see his gift of life is a continues one, every morning we wake up given a chance to make the most of it and those times we no longer have the strength to even leave our beds he becomes our strength filling our heart with an unshakable hope that is only found in his never changing truth.

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)

  So, for the greatest love shown for us, for the constant goodness and mercy of God reflected in our lives what can we offer that could measure up to it all. To be honest nothing we could try to do would reach the greatness of his love but all that is asked from us is to just love him back. Yes, we love him because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

But every time I think about the act of appreciation and love shown to him this always comes to my mind. Remember that women who gave everything she had just to buy this marvelous perfume just to pour it all down on his feet that is covered in dust, she didn’t just put that perfume on him but washed his feet with her tears and she literally wiped his feet with her hair. At that moment she poured all her life for him. What he wants from us is our lives. We can show our love for him in the way we give him back the life he gave us, the soul he healed. This woman didn’t focus on those eyes on her, he who was sitting before her, the one who gave her back her life abundantly was he sole focus.

“And behold, a woman in the city who was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at the table in the Pharisee’s house, brought an alabaster flask of fragrant oil, and stood at His feet behind Him weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head; and she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil.”    Luke 7:37-38

 As we celebrate this day in memory of the day love came down to earth, when we exchange gifts thinking about the gift of life given to us. The only gift we could give him the gift of our obedience and the submission of our will before him with our praise drawn from the deepest place from our heart. Breaking our lives leaving just like that alabaster box pouring all we are at the foot of his throne, wash his feet with our tears of gratitude fully understanding the price paid for our lives at the cross, kneeling before him and wiping his feet with our hair leaving our pride all behind all because he is worthy of it all and more.



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