I used to think that this generation is going through a lot of challenges, temptation and threats compared to the paste generations so the way we are committed to God regarding our situation is fair enough. But reading and studying a little deeper about the life of two people made me re-think what I just said.
The first person is Noah, imagine how hard it was for him to walk in righteousness when all the people around him are living the opposite and still got everything they could ask for in life. While he went to the forest to bring wood for the building of the ark this people were having the time of their life, every day for a long time as 120 years he has to face these peoples mocking and teasing. He could have chosen to walk away and leave what he was told by God, but he chose to stay still.
The other guy is Jeremiah who was a prophet of God when Israel was full of false prophets who got all the attention and acceptance by the people of Israel. He didn't just get rejected by this people and their king he got tormented, tortured, faced tribulation for just speaking what he received from God until the fulfillment of the prophecy he spoke, and Israel was captured by Babylon. And yes, like Noah he chose to stick with God.
Our society is Careful not to offend anyone...Except GOD!
So, the point is clear and simple. yes, we are living in a wicked world where all the system is designed for living through all the short cuts and please everyone but not God. It isn't easy to live a godly life at all every decision we make every day is influenced by this Worlds system. But through all of this we are called to shine a light no matter the Circumstances. Not when it is comfortable, not when it is easy, not when we have time, not after we protect our public image and ego but all the time.
