Have you looked at the clear blue sky and wondered how marvelous it looks then tried to take a picture of it but when you see the picture it lacks to fully show the beauty of it? Maybe it is just me I guess, anyhow let me get to my point.
Now a days we spend our lives stuck in our own bubble never having a time to look at the things around us. We don’t give the things around as a time to immerse us in their beauty. If we ever look up from our phone that we spend our days stuck on, we will witness there is a beauty in everything. If we ever take time to observe there is a beauty even in the single rain drop. There’s a sense of wonder, a sense of awe.
“Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. Full of splendor and majesty is his work.” -Psalm 111:2
We can watch God through his mesmerizing creation, through the structure of the rock at our doorstep, through the lovely lilies that bloom in our back yard, through the shape of the clouds scatted on the blue sky and when the nighttime is here if we ever just look up at the sky to see all those dazzling stars, we will notice his wonder and greatness. If we ever take time to be fully alert to the fascinating work of his hands, we won’t sink into boredom we will be caught up in seeing him in a different light soaked in his majesty in every passing day.
Pastor John Piper interview once said, “We are so easily bored with glorious reality. We go to visit the magnificent Rockies, or Alps or Himalayas and, for a day or two, we’re breathless with amazement. But by the end of the week, we’re sitting in front of the television in our chalet on top of the mountain, watching pitiful, human, cinematic efforts to create amazement. It’s the great, tragic effect of the fall: superficiality in a world of wonder, easy boredom, loving something for two, three repetitions, and then after that, ho hum. We need to reverse a superficial mind-set and replace it with a deeply joyful mind, ready to discover wonders and be amazed everywhere we look. We need to set ourselves on a conscious quest to cultivate a spiritual mind that is fully alert to the glories of God.”

So, if we ever take a moment to not only see rather observe, if we just take time to listen, we can see him in everything. His creations are for him to show his glory. While doing this let us keep in mind as well that we are part of his wonderful creation specially made in his image more importantly Christians called to show his son Jesus Christ to the whole world. When people see us let them see Great joy is the inevitable by-product of being one of the King’s servants, of being in His presence daily, of listening to His words and wisdom. Isn’t that marvelous?
“Blessed [same word—happy] is the one you choose and bring near, to dwell in your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the holiness of your temple!” -Psalm 65: 4