It's just sad to see how we are just going with the motions with nothing to hold until as an anchor. From the pain and the mental warfare, we face to the small trivial things keep throwing us left and right we are no longer alive but just merely existing.
We have gone numb and desensitized with everything going on around us we have lost the ability to discern and experience his will and ways. When everything around us keep consumed with the darkness of the wickedness that keeps growing with every passing day we are just stuck barely moving neither to escape for it nor shine our light that has the power to overcome the darkness. He never gives up on us, he never turns his eyes away from us but our sins, he hated the sin not the sinner.
After all he is merciful and just
" A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice" Isaiah 42:3 NIV
"Our father in heaven,
We come before you today, hold us together, lead us in your truth even if we are cast away lost in the pit of the abyss let your light shine on us. Lead us home lead us in your truth. Breathe life into our bones so that they would stand before you and run for your kingdom. Even now you have not given up on us, willing to give us another chance and still willing to give us life. Thank you for your mercy and grace you have shown us.
Amen "

Yes, at this time and day even in the last ending time he is still at work and even if we are somehow weary souls trying to keep it together by his grace, we can keep on holding tight. He is faithful and mighty still at work. In a time where the victorious one is the enemy. Remember when Elijah was losing hope and longed to just die, God said to him that he is not alone and there are 7000 who has not bowed down to Baal. (1 Kings 19:18) Still God has his people who are still standing with his truth.
In our weakness his might is always shown he can use us the ones barely making it on top of the water for his kingdom just like ow he used Gideon who was hiding in winepress who was living in a survival mode just like most of us are living these days. (Judges 6:11-16) But you see he uses the smoldering wick igniting it in his fire again so that it can shine brighter than ever for his glory.